Utah Shakespeare Festival: A Midsummer's Night Dream

TD Production Notes: This show’s design was part of the USA exhibit at the 2007 Prague Quadrennial. The most striking feature of this rep set was the articulated mirror that hung above the action of the play. The structure of the mirror was designed for simplicity of operation and minimal deflection to avoid distortion. The whole unit rigged from two 1 ton chain motors at a near balance point. This enabled the mirror to change orientation during the course of the production via two picks to a batten at the upstage side of the unit. The whole mirror unit had to be unrigged and placed on a padded cart for rep at the end of each show.

I designed a 4 x 8 foot chain driven elevator run by a 5HP motor and 50:1 gear box connected to an in house 3 phase motor controller. When in the down position, the opening was filled with a stress skin platform trap door that slid into place on a tracking system suspended from the trap room ceiling.